Sunday, November 29, 2009

Meeting with NEN Members

Had a wonderful meeting with the NEN(National Entrepreneurship Network) members yesterday. NEN is planning to launch its Chennai alumni cell. We were called to discuss and make the strategy as to how to go forward with the plans. Around 20 members attended the meeting from several colleges. Ms Vishnu and Mr. Raghav were also present and gave their valuable advice.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Met With Mr. Sanjeev Bikhchandani

Yes, it is an important and historical day of my life. I happened to meet the Founder and CEO of Mr. Sanjeev Bikhchandani. It was one of the MMA function he came for. He shared his success stories and gave many hindsights about his career so far. He is truly a man of great inspiration.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

CII Event

It is pity that CII event is posponed becouse of Swine flu.
We were so involved in making this project a big success that it came
a shock to us. We could not believe this. Every one from the team too
could not believe this. But it was true. But we were assured that
the event would be reschduled as quick as possible. It was really very
learning experience working with those people.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

This is the project, which is conducted by Enviu Foundation based in Netherland and Context India, a Banglore based company. Our company co-ordinated this event in the SRM campus from 22-25 July, 2009. It was really a wonderful experience for me.
I got some international exposure in terms of their working style and way of thinking.
We also got a handsome amount for our service. I developed very close friendship with those people which I will always cherish through the entire life.
Thanks for giving us this opportunity.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Met a School Friend

Ya, met with one of my school friend Sumeet after a gap of 4 years. He was one of my close friend in school. We used to hang out together. Lot of old memories came rushing to my mind after seeing him so many years. He studies in Banglore. Nothing has changed a lot. Same confident guy with same zeal and common sense; he is the same Sumeet for me even today. Thanks to God for all these things.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Certificates collected

Collected the provisional certificates from the college. Went to an birthday party.
It was organized by other event management company. I got good experience as I learned lots of things. Singer and dance troops have come from Mumbay.
The sound and light systems were fantastic. Also attended MMA function and become the Associate the member.

Friday, June 26, 2009

A tribute to the King Of Pop- Michal Jackson

Michal Jackson- undoubtedly the 'King Of Pop' is no more. His contribution to the world of music can never be forgotten. He, with his enchanting voice and unique style of dancing had entertained the whole world for decades. He became the ideal for many aspiring musicians throughout the world. His sudden death has saddened the whole community. Hats off for this great music lover and artist. Love You Jackson..